2007年10月2日 星期二

Aviation's past sets future path.


Boyle, A. (2003, Nov.17). Aviation's past sets future path. MSNBC. Retrieved on Sep. 23, 2007 from: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3475897/


This article tells us about aviation's development. In the past, people always used cars and boats for transportation, until the Wright brothers invented the first plane in the world. They really changed with people's lives and helped a lot. Then, people devoted themselves to developing the best airplane. Fast speed, less fuel and more power. These factors became the way for people to work for. So today, we have comfortable jetliners that can take us around the world. This is a great contribution for people.


When I first time took a plane to another country, I had a question in my mind. “ How can people build an airplane as big as king to fly in the sky?” Then, I found some books, newspapers and magazines to search for some information about planes. Something like history, news, model, and technology about planes, I am interested in. This is why I become an aviation fan. Anyway, airplanes are really convenient and useful for everyone. Whoever you want to go, plane always can take you to arrive there. So I enjoyed the flight every time I took it!
